List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Bibliography | Contents |
Cover, Contents, Index to Vol.13 etc. (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3)
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<Articles>Roles of Marriage Matching, Land, and Education in the Rapid Deagrarianization of Cambodian Rural Youths during the 2010s Yagura, Kenjiro (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 419-459
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<Articles>Migratory Aspirations of the New Middle Class: A Case Study of Thai Technical Intern Training Program Workers in Japan Kalapong, Jessadakorn (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 461-486
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<Articles>The Politics of Economic Development in Cambodia: Making Cakes without Flour? Verver, Michiel; Dahles, Heidi; Danilov, Clarissa (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 487-520
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<Articles>Digital Political Trends and Behaviors among Generation Z in Thailand Taneerat, Wisuttinee; Dongnadeng, Hasan Akrim (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 521-545
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<Articles>A Century of Media Representations of Muslim and Chinese Minorities in the Philippines (1870s–1970s) Cruz, Frances Antoinette; Ortuño Casanova, Rocío (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 547-583
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<Book Reviews>Janet Steele. Malaysiakini and the Power of Independent Media in Malaysia. Singapore: NUS Press, 2023. Boon, Kia Meng (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 585-589
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<Book Reviews>Julie Bernath. The Khmer Rouge Tribunal: Power, Politics, and Resistance in Transitional Justice. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2023. Im, Soksamphoas (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 589-593
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<Book Reviews>Anto Mohsin. Electrifying Indonesia: Technology and Social Justice in National Development. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2023. Kimura, Ehito (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 593-596
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<Book Reviews>Jennifer Ho, ed. Global Anti-Asian Racism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2024. Missbach, Antje (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 596-599
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<Book Reviews>Khoo Boo Teik. Anwar Ibrahim: Tenacious in Dissent, Hopeful in Power. Petaling Jaya: Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, 2023. Lim, Guanie (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 600-603
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<Book Reviews>Sinae Hyun. Indigenizing the Cold War: The Border Patrol Police and Nation-Building in Thailand. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘I Press, 2023. Jory, Patrick (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 603-607
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<Book Reviews>Kathryn Emerson. Innovation, Style and Spectacle in Wayang: Purbo Asmoro and the Evolution of an Indonesian Performing Art. Singapore: NUS Press, 2022. Keeler, Ward (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 607-610
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<Book Reviews>Guo-Quan Seng. Strangers in the Family: Gender, Patriliny, and the Chinese in Colonial Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2023. Hoogervorst, Tom (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 610-614
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Corrigendum (Southeast Asian Studies V. 13 No. 2 : p. 323, 2024) (2024-12) Southeast Asian Studies, 13(3): 615-615
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 15 of 15