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タイトル: 学生教育のための循環器系からの生体信号(心機図)評価システム構築
その他のタイトル: Setup of an Assessing System of Physical Signals from the Circulatory Systems as a Tool Education
著者: 福田, 耕治  KAKEN_name
松原, 明  KAKEN_name
竹田, 真由  KAKEN_name
寺田, 博美  KAKEN_name
藤田, 正俊  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Fukuda, Kohji
Matsubara, Akira
Terada, Hiromi
Takeda, Mayu
Fujita, Masatoshi
キーワード: Assessing System for education
Phisycal signals ciculatory systems
Pulse waves
発行日: 31-Mar-2005
出版者: 京都大学医学部保健学科
誌名: 京都大学医学部保健学科紀要: 健康科学
巻: 1
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 6
抄録: We are now setting up a measuring System of physical signals for the purpose of education. In the system, we can simultaneously measure physical signals derived from the circulatory system, such as ECG, photoplethysmography and pulse waves, which were all built-up by students. The system consists of 10 personal computers(PCs)controlled by one server computer. Each PC is operated with Windows 2000 and XP(Microsoft). A laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench(LabVIEW)developed by nationalinstruments(NI)is installed in each PC. LabVIEW is a graphic program development system which enabled acquition, analysis and recording of actual data with the use of virtual instruments(VI). Physical signals from several measuring instruments are input into a data acquisition board(DAQ, PCI-MIO-16E-1, NI) via a BNC terminal box (BNC-2090, NI). Simultaneous acquisition and calculation processing is performed with LabVIEW programs. The graphic information is transmitted to a graph-making software, Kaleida Graph(HULINKS), and is processed more sophisticatedly and presented. The purpose of the present report is to analyze and assess the measurements of photoplethysmograhy and to further promote the set up of a new physical signal assessing system for education.
DOI: 10.14989/39543
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/39543


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