



検索結果表示: 31-40 / 84.
<高校教員のための教育格差入門 ⑧>少年非行を格差の観点から考える
  岡邊, 健 (2021-11)
  月刊高校教育, 54(12): 66-67
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アメリカ図書館協会の公立図書館基準における量的基準と小規模公立図書館 : 『公立図書館サービス』(1956)を中心に
  福井, 佑介; 川崎, 良孝 (2020-01)
  図書館界, 71(5): 274-287
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Group influences on children’s delay of gratification: Testing the roles of culture and personal connections
  Munakata, Yuko; Yanaoka, Kaichi; Doebel, Sabine; Guild, M. Ryan; Michaelson, E. Laura; Saito, Satoru (2020-01-08)
  Collabra: Psychology, 6(1)
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  岩田, 貴帆 (2020-05)
  大学教育学会誌, 42(1): 115-124
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The development of learning, performing, and controlling repeated sequential actions in young children
  Yanaoka, Kaichi; Saito, Satoru (2022-04)
  Topics in Cognitive Science, 14(2): 241-257
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  齊藤, 智 (2021-12)
  情報知識学会誌, 31(4): 446-451
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少女漫画におけるジェンダー規範の転換と女同士の絆 --『週刊少女フレンド』1963~1972年の分析から--
  上村, 太郎 (2022)
  マンガ研究, 28: 60-91
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Genetic and environmental influences on the developmental trajectory of callous‐unemotional traits from childhood to adolescence
  Takahashi, Yusuke; Pease, Christopher R.; Pingault, Jean‐Baptiste; Viding, Essi (2021-04)
  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62(4): 414-423
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Developing and Validating a Japanese Version of the Multidimensional Attitude toward Ambiguity Scale (MAAS)
  Hitsuwari, Jimpei; Nomura, Michio (2021-04)
  Psychology, 12(4): 477-497
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Altruism does not always lead to a good reputation: A normative explanation
  Kawamura, Yuta; Kusumi, Takashi (2020-09)
  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 90
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