



検索結果表示: 11-20 / 75.
A Croquis for the New Project: The Strategraphy of Capitalism: Capture-Devices of Capital
  Nagahara, Yutaka (2017-03)
  ZINBUN, 47: 49-79
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<Varia>The Umwelten of Infrastructure: A Stroll along (and inside) Phnom Penh's Sewage Pipes
  Bruun Jensen, Casper (2017-03)
  ZINBUN, 47: 147-159
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Submission Guidelines
  ZINBUN, 47: 237-240
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Truth and Consequences: Political Judgment and Historical Knowledge in Foucault and Althusser
  Peden, Knox (2017-03)
  ZINBUN, 47: 33-47
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<Varia>De l'appareil d'État aux dispositifs de pouvoir : A propos de Théories et institutions pénales et La société punitive de Foucault
  Sato, Yoshiyuki (2017-03)
  ZINBUN, 47: 91-107
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The Theory and History of the Subject and Domination of the Self and Others: From Althusser to Foucault
  Koizumi, Yoshiyuki (2017-03)
  ZINBUN, 47: 81-89
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Waking Up from May '68 and the Repressive Hangover : Stages of Critique Past Althusser and Foucault
  Harcourt, Bernard E. (2017-03)
  ZINBUN, 47: 13-32
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美学者中井宗太郎の渡欧体験(1922~23) --京都市立芸術大学芸術資料館所蔵中井宗太郎資料を中心に--
  山本, 真紗子 (2017-07-31)
  人文學報, 110: 71-92
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  川合, 大輔 (2017-07-31)
  人文學報, 110: 93-119
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第一次世界大戦の終結と朝鮮独立運動 --民族「自決」と民族「改造」--
  小野, 容照 (2017-07-31)
  人文學報, 110: 1-21
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