



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 21.
Control of the phase separation pattern in a mixture of an isotropic liquid and liquid crystal
  Araki, Takeaki; Tanaka, Hajime (2006-10-20)
  物性研究, 87(1): 164-165
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Effects of hydrodynamic interactions on a coil-globule transition of a single polymer(Poster session 2, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
  Kamata, Kumiko; Araki, Takeaki; Tanaka, Hajime (2007-10-20)
  物性研究, 89(1): 128-129
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Morphological selection in phase separation of a lyotropic liquid crystal : The role of smectic order
  Iwashita, Yasutaka; Tanaka, Hajime (2006-10-20)
  物性研究, 87(1): 162-163
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Glassy behavior of two-dimensional driven granular matter(Poster session 2, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
  Watanabe, Keiji; Tanaka, Hajime (2007-10-20)
  物性研究, 89(1): 130-131
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Critical phenomena associated with liquid-liquid transition(Soft Matter as Structured Materials)
  Kurita, Rei; Tanaka, Hajime (2005-09-20)
  物性研究, 84(6): 863-864
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Quenching by heating : colloidal liquid-gas critical phenomena at the single particle level(Soft Matter as Structured Materials)
  Royall, Paddy; Aarts, Dirk G.A.L; Tanaka, Hajime (2005-09-20)
  物性研究, 84(6): 867-868
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Discontinuous Enhancement of Crystal Growth below Glass Transition(Poster session 1, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
  Konishi, Takashi; Tanaka, Hajime (2007-10-20)
  物性研究, 89(1): 72-73
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Numerical study on the dynamics of colloidal particles immersed in nematic liquid crystal(Soft Matter as Structured Materials)
  Araki, Takeaki; Tanaka, Hajime (2005-09-20)
  物性研究, 84(6): 856-857
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Violation of the Incompressibility of Liquid by Simple Shear Flow(Poster session 1, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
  Furukawa, Akira; Tanaka, Hajime (2007-10-20)
  物性研究, 89(1): 60-60
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8CB liquid crystal as fast calibration media for micro-thermal device(Poster session 1, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
  Gillot, Frederic; Arata, Hideyuki; Morin, Fabrice O.; Fujita, Hiroyuki; Guegan, Regis; Tanaka, Hajime (2007-10-20)
  物性研究, 89(1): 103-104
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