


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 10.
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Large N behavior of mass deformed ABJM theory
  Nosaka, Tomoki; Shimizu, Kazuma; Terashima, Seiji (2016-03)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
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Holographic Chern-Simons Defects
  Fujita, Mitsutoshi; Melby-Thompson, Charles M.; Meyer, Rene; Sugimoto, Shigeki (2016-06)
  Journal of High Energy Physics(JHEP), 06
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Orientifold ABJM matrix model: chiral projections and worldsheet instantons
  Moriyama, Sanefumi; Nosaka, Tomoki (2016-06)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
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Superconformal Chern-Simons partition functions of affine D-type quiver from Fermi gas
  Moriyama, Sanefumi; Nosaka, Tomoki (2015-09)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015
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Exact instanton expansion of superconformal Chern-Simons theories from topological strings
  Moriyama, Sanefumi; Nosaka, Tomoki (2015-04)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015
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Mass deformed ABJM theory on three sphere in large N limit
  Nosaka, Tomoki; Shimizu, Kazuma; Terashima, Seiji (2017-03)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017
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ABJ theory in the higher spin limit
  Hirano, Shinji; Honda, Masazumi; Okuyama, Kazumi; Shigemori, Masaki (2016-08)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
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Scattering amplitude and bosonization duality in general Chern-Simons vector models
  Yokoyama, Shuichi (2016-09)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016
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Topological pseudo entropy
  Nishioka, Tatsuma; Takayanagi, Tadashi; Taki, Yusuke (2021-09)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(9)
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Chern-Simons gravity dual of BCFT
  Takayanagi, Tadashi; Uetoko, Takahiro (2021-04)
  Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(4)
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