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Long-term evolution of a merger-remnant neutron star in general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics: Effect of magnetic winding
  Shibata, Masaru; Fujibayashi, Sho; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro (2021-02)
  Physical Review D, 103(4)
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Alternative possibility of GW190521: Gravitational waves from high-mass black hole-disk systems
  Shibata, Masaru; Kiuchi, Kenta; Fujibayashi, Sho; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro (2021-03)
  Physical Review D, 103(6)
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Long-term evolution of neutron-star merger remnants in general relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamics with a mean-field dynamo term
  Shibata, Masaru; Fujibayashi, Sho; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro (2021-09)
  Physical Review D, 104(6)
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Implementation of advanced Riemann solvers in a neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamics code in numerical relativity and its application to a binary neutron star merger
  Kiuchi, Kenta; Held, Loren E.; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro; Shibata, Masaru (2022-12-15)
  Physical Review D, 106(12)
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