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Long-term evolution of neutron-star merger remnants in general relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamics with a mean-field dynamo term
  Shibata, Masaru; Fujibayashi, Sho; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro (2021-09)
  Physical Review D, 104(6)
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Self-Consistent Picture of the Mass Ejection from a One Second Long Binary Neutron Star Merger Leaving a Short-Lived Remnant in a General-Relativistic Neutrino-Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation
  Kiuchi, Kenta; Fujibayashi, Sho; Hayashi, Kota; Kyutoku, Koutarou; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro; Shibata, Masaru (2023-07)
  Physical Review Letters, 131(1)
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Linearly Polarized Coherent Emission from Relativistic Magnetized Ion-Electron Shocks
  Iwamoto, Masanori; Matsumoto, Yosuke; Amano, Takanobu; Matsukiyo, Shuichi; Hoshino, Masahiro (2024-01)
  Physical Review Letters, 132(3)
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