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Results 1-10 of 30 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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中世近世移行期における都市社会史の諸相 -16世紀京都を中心に
  河内, 将芳 (1999-03-23)
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Dynamics of rational semigroups and Hausdorff dimension of the Julia sets
  Sumi, Hiroki (1999-03-23)
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  石井, 源久 (1999-09-24)
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  ランシマ ブンシンスク (1999-03-23)
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Etiology of Human Obesity-The interrelationship among leptin, autonomic nervous system and the β_3-adrenergic receptor in obese and non-obese young women-
  Matsumoto, Tamaki (1999-03-23)
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The Pol and Env Gene Diversity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type1 (HIV-1) from Central Africa : Evidence of Two New Emerging HIV-1 Subtypes in Cameroon
  Mboudjeka Innocent (1999-03-23)
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Anderson Localization Effects on Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Charge-Transfer Complexes of BEDO-TTF
  Tsukada, Hiroshi (1999-03-23)
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脳卒中易発症ラットのインスリン感受性に関する研究 -運動トレーニングと水溶性食物繊維の効果-
  宋, 榮柱 (1999-03-23)
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Muscle Contractile Properties Investigated by Electromyography, Soundmyography, and Infrared Spectroscopy
  Yoshitake, Yasuhide (1999-03-23)
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雲南における少数民族の環境文化に関する研究 - 人と森林との関係を中心に
  郭, 艶春 (1999-03-23)
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