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Results 1-10 of 28 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).
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  長谷川, 哲也 (2007-03-23)
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  北村, 泰隆 (2007-03-23)
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Thermostabilization of xylose metabolizing enzyme by protein engineering for efficient ethanol production from woody biomass
  Annaluru SVJP Narayana (2007-03-23)
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  野々川, 満 (2007-03-23)
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Thermodynamic studies on metallic and oxide solutions for environmental-friendly iron and steelmaking
  Hasegawa, Masakatsu (2007-03-23)
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Development of advanced DNA microarray system by high density amine functionalization of solid surface and functional design of DNA probes
  Kamisetty, Nagendra Kumar (2007-01-23)
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原子力災害対応支援技術の開発に関する研究 : 原子力発電所におけるアクシデントマネジメントの有効性評価
  吉田, 至孝 (2007-03-23)
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  末石, 裕一郎 (2007-03-23)
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Fabrication of DNA-immobilized solid surface and its use for the base-sequence-dependent detection of targeted nucleic acids in liquid phase
  Devarayapalli, Kamakshaiah Charyulu (2007-03-23)
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Study on coal utilization in India : a spatial modeling framework to examine optimal coal utilization policy in the power and cement sectors in India
  Mathur, Ritu (2007-01-23)
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