



検索結果表示: 1-4 / 4.
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Analytics of Open-Book Exams with Interaction Traces in a Humanities Course
  MAJUMDAR, Rwitajit; BAKILAPADAVU, Geetha; LI, Jiayu; CHEN, Mei-Rong Alice; FLANAGAN, Brendan; OGATA, Hiroaki (2021-11-22)
  ICCE 2021 : 29th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Proceedings Volume I: 352-361
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GOAL: A System to Support Learner’s Acquisition of Self Direction Skills
  MAJUMDAR, Rwitajit; YANG, Yuan Yuan; LI, Huiyong; AKÇAPINAR, Gökhan; FLANAGAN, Brendan; OGATA, Hiroaki (2018-11-24)
  26th International Conference on Computers in Education Main Conference Proceedings: 406-415
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Learning Analytics for Humanities and Design Education
  MAJUMDAR, Rwitajit; BAKILAPADAVU, Geetha; Rajendran, Ramkumar; SAHASRABUDHE, Sameer; FLANAGAN, Brendan; CHEN, Meirong, Alice; OGATA, Hiroaki (2020-11-23)
  28th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Proceedings, 2: 154-156
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E-book based Learning in times of Pandemic
  MAJUMDAR, Rwitajit; CHEN, Alice Mei-Rong; FLANAGAN, Brendan; OGATA, Hiroaki (2020-11-23)
  28th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Proceedings, 1: 680-682
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