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Results 1-10 of 17 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
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A Tight Approximation Bound for the Stable Marriage Problem with Restricted Ties
  Huang, Chien-Chung; Iwama, Kazuo; Miyazaki, Shuichi; Yanagisawa, Hiroki (2015)
  Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM 2015), 40: 361-380
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Improved approximation bounds for the Student-Project Allocation problem with preferences over projects
  Iwama, Kazuo; Miyazaki, Shuichi; Yanagisawa, Hiroki (2012-05)
  Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 13: 59-66
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Finding Witnesses for Stability in the Hospitals/Residents Problem
  Lee, Minseon; Miyazaki, Shuichi; Iwama, Kazuo (2015-03-15)
  Journal of Information Processing, 23(2): 202-209
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Improving the Competitive Ratio of the Online OVSF Code Assignment Problem
  Miyazaki, Shuichi; Okamoto, Kazuya (2008)
  Lecture Notes in Computer Science: 64-76
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Improved Approximation Bounds for the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Preferences over Projects
  Iwama, Kazuo; Miyazaki, Shuichi; Yanagisawa, Hiroki (2011)
  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6648: 440-451
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The Hospitals/Residents Problem with Quota Lower Bounds
  Hamada, Koki; Iwama, Kazuo; Miyazaki, Shuichi (2011)
  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6924: 180-191
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A 25/17-Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem with One-Sided Ties
  Iwama, Kazuo; Miyazaki, Shuichi; Yanagisawa, Hiroki (2014-03)
  Algorithmica, 68(3): 758-775
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The Online Graph Exploration Problem on Restricted Graphs
  MIYAZAKI, Shuichi; MORIMOTO, Naoyuki; OKABE, Yasuo (2009-09-01)
  IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E92-D(9): 1620-1627
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Better Bounds for Online k-Frame Throughput Maximization in Network Switches
  Kawahara, Jun; Kobayashi, Koji M.; Miyazaki, Shuichi (2013)
  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8283: 218-228
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The Hospitals/Residents Problem with Lower Quotas
  Hamada, Koki; Iwama, Kazuo; Miyazaki, Shuichi (2016-01)
  Algorithmica, 74(1): 440-465
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