



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 21.
Advances in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) at kyoto university - From reactor-based BNCT to accelerator-based BNCT
  Sakurai, Yoshinori; Tanaka, Hiroki; Takata, Takushi; Fujimoto, Nozomi; Suzuki, Minoru; Masunaga, Shinichiro; Kinashi, Yuko; Kondo, Natsuko; Narabayashi, Masaru; Nakagawa, Yosuke; Watanabe, Tsubasa; Ono, Koji; Maruhashi, Akira (2015-07)
  Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 67(1): 76-81
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Development of a dual phantom technique for measuring the fast neutron component of dose in boron neutron capture therapy.
  Sakurai, Yoshinori; Tanaka, Hiroki; Kondo, Natsuko; Kinashi, Yuko; Suzuki, Minoru; Masunaga, Shinichiro; Ono, Koji; Maruhashi, Akira (2015-10-25)
  Medical physics, 42(11): 6651-6657
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An analysis of the structure of the compound biological effectiveness factor
  Ono, Koji (2016-08-16)
  Journal of Radiation Research, 57(S1): i83-i89
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Effect of bevacizumab combined with boron neutron capture therapy on local tumor response and lung metastasis.
  Masunaga, Shin-Ichiro; Sakurai, Yoshinori; Tano, Keizo; Tanaka, Hiroki; Suzuki, Minoru; Kondo, Natsuko; Narabayashi, Masaru; Watanabe, Tsubasa; Nakagawa, Yosuke; Maruhashi, Akira; Ono, Koji (2014-07)
  Experimental and therapeutic medicine, 8(1): 291-301
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Comparison of the pharmacokinetics between L-BPA and L-FBPA using the same administration dose and protocol: A validation study for the theranostic approach using [18F]-L-FBPA positron emission tomography in boron neutron capture therapy
  Watanabe, Tsubasa; Hattori, Yoshihide; Ohta, Youichiro; Ishimura, Miki; Nakagawa, Yosuke; Sanada, Yu; Tanaka, Hiroki; Fukutani, Satoshi; Masunaga, Shin ichiro; Hiraoka, Masahiro; Ono, Koji; Suzuki, Minoru; Kirihata, Mitsunori (2016-11-08)
  BMC Cancer, 16
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Dose-rate effect was observed in T98G glioma cells following BNCT.
  Kinashi, Yuko; Okumura, Kakuji; Kubota, Yoshihisa; Kitajima, Erika; Okayasu, Ryuichi; Ono, Koji; Takahashi, Sentaro (2014-06)
  Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine, 88: 81-85
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The dependency of compound biological effectiveness factors on the type and the concentration of administered neutron capture agents in boron neutron capture therapy
  Masunaga, Shin-ichiro; Sakurai, Yoshinori; Tanaka, Hiroki; Tano, Keizo; Suzuki, Minoru; Kondo, Natsuko; Narabayashi, Masaru; Nakagawa, Yosuke; Watanabe, Tsubasa; Maruhashi, Akira; Ono, Koji (2014-03-07)
  SpringerPlus, 3(1)
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The effect of post-irradiation tumor oxygenation status on recovery from radiation-induced damage in vivo: With reference to that in quiescent cell populations
  Masunaga, Shin-ichiro; Hirayama, Ryoichi; Uzawa, Akiko; Kashino, Genro; Suzuki, Minoru; Kinashi, Yuko; Liu, Yong; Koike, Sachiko; Ando, Koichi; Ono, Koji (2009-08)
  Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 135(8): 1109-1116
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Influence of manipulating hypoxia in solid tumors on the radiation dose-rate effect in vivo, with reference to that in the quiescent cell population.
  Masunaga, Shin-ichiro; Hirayama, Ryoichi; Uzawa, Akiko; Kashino, Genro; Takata, Takushi; Tanaka, Hiroki; Suzuki, Minoru; Kinashi, Yuko; Liu, Yong; Koike, Sachiko; Ando, Koichi; Ono, Koji (2010-02)
  Japanese journal of radiology, 28(2): 132-142
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Usefulness of combined treatment with continuous administration of tirapazamine and mild temperature hyperthermia in γ-ray irradiation in terms of local tumour response and lung metastatic potential.
  Masunaga, Shin-Ichiro; Liu, Yong; Sakurai, Yoshinori; Tanaka, Hiroki; Suzuki, Minoru; Kondo, Natsuko; Maruhashi, Akira; Ono, Koji (2012)
  International journal of hyperthermia, 28(7): 636-644
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