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タイトル: <原著>呼吸器疾患におけるリンパ球に関する免疫学的研究 : 第 2 篇サルコイドージス患者血清のヒト・リンパ球のヒツジ赤血球による rosette formation 阻害作用に関する研究
その他のタイトル: IMMUNOLOGICAL STUDIES ON LYMPHOCYTES IN RESPIRATORY DISEASES : II. Studies on the inhibitory effects of sarcoidosis-serum on sheep red blood cell rosette formation of healthy human lymphocytes
著者: 真弓, 哲二  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MAYUMI, Tetsuji
発行日: 30-Mar-1978
出版者: 京都大学結核胸部疾患研究所
誌名: 京都大学結核胸部疾患研究所紀要
巻: 11
号: 1/2
開始ページ: 91
終了ページ: 100
抄録: 1.サルコイドージス, 肺結核患者血清は, 全例について健常人末梢血リンパ球のE-rosette formationに対する阻害作用を有することが認められた。一方, 肺癌患者血清については, 5例中3例にE-rosette formation阻害作用が認められた。またEAC-rosette formationに対する阻害作用についてはこれら3種類の疾患について著明な阻害作用は認められなかった。2.各患者血清を1/3飽和硫安塩析法により分画し, その上清と沈渣のE-rosette formationに対する作用を検討したところ, サルコイドージス患者血清の沈渣分画のみ明らかなE-rosette formationの阻害作用が認められた。さらに抗ヒトIgGウサギ血清でこの分画を吸収すると阻害活性が消失したところから, この阻害作用物質はIgG分画に存在することが明らかにれた。3.サルコイドージス患者血清中にE-rosette formation阻害特質が存在し, その本体がIgGであるという著者の成績は, サルコイドージスにおける免疫異常の機序を説明する上に重要であるばかりでなく, 将来サルコイドージスの発症機序の解明にとってもきわめて興味ある成績であると考えられる。
Test sera were collected from patients of sarcoidosis, pulmonary carcinoma and pulmonary tuberculosis. Inhibitory effects of these sera on sheep-red-blood-cell-rosette-formation (E-rosette and EAC-rosette) of peripheral lymphocytes obtained from healthy humans were studied. Sera of healthy humans were used as the control. The results are summarized as follows; 1) The inhibitory effects on E-rosette formation were found in all sera collected from 5 cases of sarcoidosis and 5 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. On the other hand, the inhibitory effects of the sera were found in only 3 cases among 5 cases of pulmonary carcinoma. 2) The inhibitory effects of those sera on EAC-rosette formation were not clearly demonstrated. 3) The inhibitory effects on E-rosette formation were further studied by fractionating the sera of those patients by using ammonium sulfate precipitation method. The precipitate (Fraction P) obtained from sarcoidosis-serum showed apparent inhibitory effects on E-rosette formation, in the 10 mg/dl concentration of protein, although the Fraction P obtained from pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary carcinoma and healthy controls showed little or no inhibitory effects in the concentration of protein between 10-500 mg/dl. The supernatant (Fraction S) separated from serum of sarcoidosis, the sera of pulmonary tuberculosis, and the sera of pulmonary carcinoma did not show the inhibitory effect. 4) The inhibitory activity of the Fraction P obtained from sarcoidosis-serum was completely absorbed by anti-IgG-rabbit serum. On the contrary, the inhibitory activity of the Fraction P was not absorbed by anti-IgM-rabbit serum or anti-IgA-rabbit-serum. 5) It is concluded that the inhibitory effects of sarcoidosis-serum on E-rosette formation are caused by a protein(s) which belongs to Immunoglobulin G.
記述: この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/52197


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