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タイトル: Isolation of Pterocarpanoid Compounds as Heartwood Constituents of Maackia amurensis RUPR. et MAXIM, var. Buergeri SCHNEID
著者: MAEKAWA, Eichi
KITAO, Koichiro
発行日: 19-Dec-1970
出版者: Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
誌名: Wood research : bulletin of the Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
巻: 50
開始ページ: 29
終了ページ: 35
抄録: The isolation and identification of three pterocarpans from the heartwood of Maackia amurensis is described on the basis of chemical analysis and spectroscopic means. The pterocarpans identified are 3,9-dimethoxypterocarpan (homopterocarpin), 3-hydroxy-9-methoxypterocarpan and 3-hydroxy-8, 9-methylenedioxypterocarpan. Occurrence and biogenesis of these pterocarpans are discussed in connection with chemotaxonomy.
記述: この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/53426


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