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Application of High Pressure to Complex Copper Oxide Systems as a Way to Find New Superconductors (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY - Multicomponent Materials)
  Takano, Mikio; Hiroi, Zenji (1995-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 1: 20-21
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High Critical Current Density in the High-T c Superconductor: Generation of Efficient Pinning Centers (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Multicomponent Materials)
  Hiroi, Zenji; Chong, Iksu; Azuma, Masaki; Takano, Mikio (1998-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 4: 20-21
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Growth of heavily Pb-substituted Bi-2201 single crystals by a floating zone method (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Artificial Lattice Compounds)
  Terashima, Takahito; Chong, Iksu; Takano, Mikio (1998-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 4: 18-19
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High Critical Current Density in the Heavily Pb-Doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O6+d Superconductor: Generation of Novel Pinning Centers (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Multicomponent Materials)
  Hiroi, Zenji; Takano, Mikio (1997-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 3: 20-21
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Nonmagnetic Impurity Effects on a 2-Leg Quantum Spin Ladder Compound SrCu2O3 (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Multicomponent Materials)
  Azuma, Masaki; Takano, Mikio (1997-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 3: 21-21
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Spin Ladder Compounds (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY - Multicomponent Materials)
  Takano, Mikio; Hiroi, Zenji; Azuma, Masaki (1996-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 2: 20-21
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New S = 1/2 Alternating Chain Compound - High Pressure Form of (VO)2P2O7 - (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Multicomponent Materials)
  Azuma, Masaki; Saito, Takashi; Hiroi, Zenji; Takano, Mikio (1999-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 5: 20-21
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Antiferromagnetism of S=1/2 Triangles in La4Cu3MoO12 (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Multicomponent Materials)
  Azuma, Masaki; Ishiwata, Shintaro; Takano, Mikio (2001-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 7: 20-21
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Single Crystal Growth at High Pressure (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Multicomponent Materials)
  Azuma, Masaki; Saito, Takashi; Takano, Mikio (2000-03)
  ICR Annual Report, 6: 20-21
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