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Results 1-10 of 15 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Ethno-Ornithology of the Tembo in Eastern DRC (Former Zaire): Part one, Kalehe Zone
  KIZUNGU, Byamana; NTABAZA, Mwendanga; MBURUNGE, Murchagane (1998-10)
  African Study Monographs, 19(2): 103-113
Captives of Empire: Early Ibadan Poets and Poetry
  OKUNOYE, Oyeniyi (1998-11)
  African Study Monographs, 19(3): 161-170
Community Attitudes to Tortoises (Gepchelone pardalis babcocki) and thier Conservation in Northern Tanzania
  KABIGUMILA, Jonathan (1998-12)
  African Study Monographs, 19(4): 201-216
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Archaeology and the Study of Early Urban Centres in Nigeria
  OKPOKO, A. Ikechukwu (1998-05)
  African Study Monographs, 19(1): 35-54
The Semantics of Female Devaluation in Igbo Proverbs
  OHA, Obododimma (1998-10)
  African Study Monographs, 19(2): 87-102
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Sustainability of Fishing in the Bangweulu Swamps, Zambia
  IMAI, Ichiro (1998-10)
  African Study Monographs, 19(2): 69-86
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An Assessment of the Effect of Promotional Strategy for National Programme on Immunization (NPI ) and Oral Rehydration Therapy(ORT) in Nigeria
  EKERETE, Paulinus P. (1998-11)
  African Study Monographs, 19(3): 115-126
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Efficacy of Leopard Tortoise (Gepchelone pardalis babcocki) Farming in Tanzania
  KABIGUMILA, Jonathan (1998-12)
  African Study Monographs, 19(4): 187-199
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The Mikea Hunter-Gatherers of Southwest Madagascar: Ecology and Socioeconomics
  STILES, Daniel (1998-11)
  African Study Monographs, 19(3): 127-148
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Evaluation of an Indigenous Farming Systems in the Matengo Highlands, Tanzania, and Its Sustainability
  ITANI, Juichi (1998-10)
  African Study Monographs, 19(2): 55-68
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