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Communication for "Negotiation" among the Turkana
  KITAMURA, Koji (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 241-256
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Coping with Illness in Turkana:A Preliminary Report
  SAKUMICHI, Shinsuke (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 229-240
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System and Reality: The Camel Trust System fo the Gabra
  SOGA, Toru (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 157-174
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Death and Rituals among the Luo in South Nyanza
  SHINO, Wakana (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 213-228
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Birth Control and Reproduction in the Kikuyu Society: The Case from Murang'a Distrinct in Kenya
  ISHII, Yoko (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 191-201
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How the East African Pastoral Nomads, Especially the Rendille, Respond to the Encroaching Market Economy
  SATO, Shun (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 121-135
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PREFACE and CONTENTS (Special Issue: Social Changes and Self-Reliant Practices of Pastoral and Agricultural Peoples in Kenya)
  SATO, Shun; KITAMURA, Koji (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): [1]
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The Samburu Livestock Market in Northcentral Kenya
  KONAKA, Shinya (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 137-155
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Personal Names and Modes of Address among the Mbeere
  KATAKAMI, Hidetoshi (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 203-212
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Male Involvement in Family Planning in Gusii Society: An Anthropological Overview
  MATSUZONO, Makio (1997-12)
  African Study Monographs, 18(3/4): 175-190
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