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Vol.21 No.2   4

List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 4 of 4
Native African Arts and Cultures in the New World; A Case Study of African Retentions in the United States of America
  IZEVBIGIE, Omokaro A. (2000-04)
  African Study Monographs, 21(2): 45-54
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Factors Influencing Education and Age at First Marriage in an Arid Region: The Case of the Borana of Marsabit district, Kenya
  NYAMONGO, Isaac K. (2000-04)
  African Study Monographs, 21(2): 55-65
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Nutritional Status, Activity Pattern, and Dietary Intake among the Baka Hunter-gatherers in the Village Camps in Cameroon
  YAMAUCHI, Taro; SATO, Hiroaki; KAWAMURA, Kyohei (2000-04)
  African Study Monographs, 21(2): 67-82
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Social Structure, Nest Guarding and Interspecific Relationships of the Cichild Fish (Julidochromis marlieri) in Lake Tanganyika
  SUNOBE, Tomoki (2000-04)
  African Study Monographs, 21(2): 83-89
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 4 of 4