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タイトル: ティブッルス第1巻第7歌の統一性
その他のタイトル: The Unity of Tibullus 1.7
著者: 岩崎, 務  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Iwasaki, Tsutomu
発行日: 30-Mar-1994
出版者: 京都大学西洋古典研究会
誌名: 西洋古典論集
巻: 11
開始ページ: 136
終了ページ: 150
抄録: There has been much discussed on the unity of Tibullus 1.7 regarding the function of the Osiris Hymn (29-48), which is often considered as a digression. Some scholars find a parallel between Osiris and Messalla as benefactor, and believe that by this comparison the poet emphasizes the praises to Messalla for his achievements in peace and war. Others believe that Osiris has a close connection with Tibullus' world, because he is represented as the originator of pastoral life and the giver of wine, dance and song. The poet, contrasting Messalla's big world with his small world, shows the relation between the two worlds and the possibility of their coexistence. I think, however, that Osiris is represented as the god who produces fruit by combining hard substances and soft ones. Osiris first turned the soft ground with the iron plow (29f.), and gathered fruits (31f.). He showed how to join the tender vine to the pole, how to lop its green leaves with the hard pruning-hook (33f.), and gave wine to men (35f.). Hardness is a feature of Messalla's ability to win a victory but it sometimes causes toil and pain (39-42). On the other hand, softness is a feature of Tibullus' world, especially of his song which alleviates pain and sorrow. The poet suggests that Osiris' benefaction has two sides, hard and soft, which are related to Messalla's activity and that of Tibullus respectively. To praise Messalla on his birthday, the poet sings of his recent triumph in an epic style (i. e. hard style) in the beginning of the poem (1-12). But after the hymn to Osiris, in the last lines (55-64) he sings of Messalla's services to everyday life in a lyric style (i. e. soft style) which is suitable for Tibullus.
記述: この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/68616


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