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Results 21-22 of 22 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Multicomponent Silicate Glasses from Gels (Commemoration Issue Dedicated to Professor Sumio Sakka On the Occasion of His Retirement)
  Yamane, Masayuki (1994-10-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 72(2): 254-265
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Structural Characteristics of Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Gels (Commemoration Issue Dedicated to Professor Sumio Sakka On the Occasion of His Retirement)
  Krakovský, Ivan; Urakawa, Hiroshi; Ikeda, Yuko; Kohjiya, Shinzo; Kajiwara, Kanji (1994-10-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 72(2): 231-241
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