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Effects of Substitution of Sr, K or Na for Ba on the Structure and Properties of Gel-Derived YBa₂Cu₄O₈ Superconducting Oxide (Commemoration Issue Dedicated to Professor Sumio Sakka On the Occasion of His Retirement)
  Fujihara, Shinobu; Nakata, Toshiyuki; Kozuka, Hiromitsu; Sakka, Sumio (1994-10-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 72(2): 167-177
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Preparation of Ag/TiO₂ Composite Films by the Sol-Gel Method (Commemoration Issue Dedicated to Professor Sumio Sakka On the Occasion of His Retirement)
  Kozuka, Hiromitsu; Zhao, Gaoling; Sakka, Sumio (1994-10-31)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 72(2): 209-224
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