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Title: Measurements of Neutron Incoherent Inelastic Scattering in Solid Polymers : Part 2 Normal Vibrational Frequency Distribution in Solid Polymers (Special Issue on Polymer Chemistry, XVIII)
Authors: Kanaya, Toshiji  KAKEN_id
kaji, Keisuke
Urakawa, Hiroshi
Kitamaru, Ryozo
Akiyoshi, Tsunekazu
Ono, Masayoshi
Yoshida, Fukuo
Yamada, Shusaku
Yamaoka, Hitoshi
Matsuyama, Tomochika
Okamoto, Sunao
Author's alias: 金谷, 利治
梶, 慶輔
浦川, 宏
北丸, 竜三
秋吉, 恒和
小野, 正義
吉田, 不空雄
山田, 修作
山岡, 仁史
松山, 奉史
岡本, 朴
Issue Date: 20-Sep-1983
Publisher: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Journal title: Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Volume: 61
Issue: 3
Start page: 214
End page: 221
Appears in Collections:Vol.61 No.3

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