
学術雑誌掲載論文等   65

文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 61 - 65 / 65
Cultural adaptation of visual attention: calibration of the oculomotor control system in accordance with cultural scenes.
  Ueda, Yoshiyuki; Komiya, Asuka (2012-11-19)
  PloS one, 7(11)
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Thalamic mediodorsal nucleus and working memory.
  Watanabe, Yumiko; Funahashi, Shintaro (2012-01)
  Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 36(1): 134-142
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  内田, 由紀子; 竹村, 幸祐; 吉川, 左紀子 (2011-04)
  社会技術研究論文集, 8: 194-203
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Attending inside or outside: A Japanese-US comparison of spontaneous memory of group information
  Takemura, Kosuke; Yuki, Masaki; Ohtsubo, Yohsuke (2010-12)
  Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 13(4): 303-307
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Body movement synchrony in psychotherapeutic counseling: A study using the video-based quantification method
  Nagaoka, Chika; Komori, Masashi (2008-06)
  IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E91-D(6): 1634-1640
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文献一覧(発行日の降順ソート): 61 - 65 / 65