



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 16.
  物理化學の進歩, 15(6): 170-170
Studies on explosion reaction : the reaction between carbon monoxide and oxygen I
  城野, 和三郎 (1941-01-31)
  物理化學の進歩, 15(1): 17-30
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Thermal analysis of the catalytic action of colloids (III) : the effect of acid and base upon the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by colloidal platinum
  水渡, 英二 (1941-11-30)
  物理化學の進歩, 15(6): 155-170
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A new high temperature calorimeter of glass
  物理化學の進歩, 15(5): 145-154
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On explosive reactions of gases (I) : explosion limits of oxyhydrogen gas
  木俣, 菖次; 青水, 宣正; 後藤, 廉平 (1941-03-31)
  物理化學の進歩, 15(2): 42-53
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Hydrocarbons from carbide thermodynamics
  根岸, 良二; 木村, 修; 上池, 修 (1941-03-31)
  物理化學の進歩, 15(2): 31-41
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Iso and normal butyl alcohols from carbide
  根岸, 良二 (1941-07-31)
  物理化學の進歩, 15(4): 127-128
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On explosive reactions of gases II : spark ignition of oxyhydrogen gas at low pressures
  早川, 晃雄; 後藤, 廉平 (1941-07-31)
  物理化學の進歩, 15(4): 118-126
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The solubility of solid benzene in several non-polar liquids
  根岸, 良二 (1941-07-31)
  物理化學の進歩, 15(4): 99-117
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The reaction of high polymers in solution : the alkaline saponification of polyvinyl acetate : I. On the method of measurement of reaction velocity
  物理化學の進歩, 15(3): 78-85
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