



検索結果表示: 1-8 / 8.
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Investigation of a new natural particleboard adhesive composed of tannin and sucrose
  Zhao, Zhongyuan; Umemura, Kenji (2014-10-20)
  Sustainable humanosphere : bulletin of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University, 10: 9-9
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Evaluation of the VOC of Sugi (Cyptomeria japonica) wood on psychophysiological responses
  Matsubara, Eri; Umemura, Kenji; Kawai, Shuichi (2013-02-01)
  Sustainable humanosphere : bulletin of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University, 8: 9-9
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Curing and degradation processes of cement-bonded particleboard by supercritical CO_2 treatment
  Maail, Rohny Setiawan; Umemura, Kenji; Aizawa, Hideo; Kawai, Shuichi (2011-09-20)
  Sustainable humanosphere : bulletin of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University, 7: 13-13
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Aging of Wood : Elucidation of color changes as comparison between natural aging and accelerated aging
  Matsuo, Miyuki; Yokoyama, Misao; Umemura, Kenji; Kawai, Shuichi (2010-09-10)
  Sustainable humanosphere : bulletin of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University, 6: 7-7
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<Recent research activities>Development of particleboard made from bagasse of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Monech) and citric acid
  Kusumah, Sukma Surya; Umemura, Kenji; Kanayama, Kozo (2015-11-10)
  Sustainable humanosphere : bulletin of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University, 11: 21-21
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<新領域開拓共同研究>5. 「千年居住圏」 2) 「アジア地域の植物バイオマスを活用した循環型材料の開発 : タンニン・スクロース接着剤を用いた木質成形体に対するクエン酸の添加効果」
  梅村, 研二 (2014-11-20)
  生存圏研究, 10: 44-44
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  梅村, 研二 (2013-11-15)
  生存圏研究, 9: 9-15
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Comparison of mechanical properties of wood-based materials manufactured from plantation and natural woods
  Umemura, Kenji; Kawai, Shuichi (2013-10-31)
  Sustainable humanosphere : bulletin of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University, 9: 9-9
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