



検索結果表示: 51-60 / 160.
Effectiveness of influenza vaccination for children in Japan: Four-year observational study using a large-scale claims database
  Shibata, Natsumi; Kimura, Shinya; Hoshino, Takahiro; Takeuchi, Masato; Urushihara, Hisashi (2018-05-11)
  Vaccine, 36(20): 2809-2815
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A New Hydromedusa of the Genus Malagazzia (Leptomedusae; Malagazzidae) from Japan
  Akiyama, Hisashi; Horinouchi, Shiori; Kubota, Shin (2013-08-20)
  Biogeography, 15: 95-99
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Wide geographical distribution of Atorella vanhoeffeni (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Coronatae) in Japan
  Kubota, Shin; Hirano, Yayoi; Ikeguchi, Shinichiro; Minemizu, Ryo; Kitamura, Minoru (2012-09-20)
  Biogeography, 14: 83-86
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Highly complex mitochondrial DNA genealogy in an endemic Japanese subterranean breeding brown frog Rana tagoi (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae).
  Eto, Koshiro; Matsui, Masafumi; Sugahara, Takahiro; Tanaka-Ueno, Tomoko (2012-10)
  Zoological science, 29(10): 662-671
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わが国で確認されたキヨヒメクラゲ(有触手綱, カブトクラゲ目, キヨヒメクラゲ科)の飼育と観察および最大個体について
  秋山, 仁; 堀之内, 詩織; 山﨑, 悠介; 辻田, 明子; 久保田, 信 (2010-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 65: 129-134
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日本産ベニクラゲモドキ(ヒドロ虫綱, 花クラゲ目)の生物学的記録
  久保田, 信 (2007-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 62: 67-71
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山形県産ベニクラゲ(ヒドロ虫綱, 花クラゲ目)の85年ぶりの発見と型の決定
  久保田, 信; 渡辺, 葉平; 奥泉, 和也 (2007-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 62: 73-75
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キヨヒメクラゲ(有触手綱, カブトクラゲ目, キヨヒメクラゲ科)の第二番目の記録
  久保田, 信; 秋山, 仁; 山﨑, 悠介 (2008-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 63: 129-131
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日本初記録の小型の鉢クラゲAtorella vanhoeffeni(刺胞動物門, 鉢クラゲ綱, 冠クラゲ目)
  久保田, 信 (2008-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 63: 125-127
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Distinction of two morphotypes of Turritopsis nutricula medusae (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Anthomedusae) in Japan, with reference to their different abilities to revert to the hydroid stage and their distinct geographical distributions
  Kubota, Shin (2005-08-20)
  Biogeography, 7: 41-50
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