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<論文・報告>適応する卵: シロアリの卵の種間比較からみる卵の防衛戦略の進化
  谷野, 彩奈; 北田, 大志 (2017-03)
  ELCAS Journal, 2: 114-114
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  山科, 千里 (2013-03-20)
  ZAIRAICHI, 1: 15-23
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  廣瀬, 奈々美; 野嵜, 友成; 松浦, 健二 (2016-03)
  ELCAS Journal, 1: 94-95
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Loss of males from mixed-sex societies in termites
  Yashiro, Toshihisa; Lo, Nathan; Kobayashi, Kazuya; Nozaki, Tomonari; Fuchikawa, Taro; Mizumoto, Nobuaki; Namba, Yusuke; Matsuura, Kenji (2018-09-25)
  BMC Biology, 16
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Termite queens close the sperm gates of eggs to switch from sexual to asexual reproduction
  Yashiro, Toshihisa; Matsuura, Kenji (2014-11-17)
  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(48): 17212-17217
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Adaptive switch to sexually dimorphic movements by partner-seeking termites
  Mizumoto, Nobuaki; Dobata, Shigeto (2019-06-05)
  Science Advances, 5(6)
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Emergence of intercolonial variation in termite shelter tube patterns and prediction of its underlying mechanism
  Mizumoto, Nobuaki; Kobayashi, Kazuya; Matsuura, Kenji (2015-11-04)
  Royal Society Open Science, 2(11)
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Caste-specific and sex-specific expression of chemoreceptor genes in a termite
  Mitaka, Yuki; Kobayashi, Kazuya; Mikheyev, Alexander; Tin, Mandy M. Y.; Watanabe, Yutaka; Matsuura, Kenji (2016-01-13)
  PLOS ONE, 11(1)
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