



検索結果表示: 31-40 / 70.
First report of Pelargonium zonate spot virus from wild Brassicaceae plants in Japan
  Kamitani, Mari; Nagano, Atsushi J.; Honjo, Mie N.; Kudoh, Hiroshi (2017-09)
  Journal of General Plant Pathology, 83(5): 329-332
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A new species of Orobdella (Hirudinida, Arhynchobdellida, Gastrostomobdellidae) and redescription of Orobdella kawakatsuorum from Hokkaido, Japan with the phylogenetic position of the new species.
  Nakano, Takafumi (2012-02-10)
  ZooKeys, 169: 9-30
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Holotype redescription of Mimobdella japonica (Hirudinida, Arhynchobdellida, Erpobdelliformes) and taxonomic status of the genus Mimobdella.
  Nakano, Takafumi (2011-07-15)
  ZooKeys, 119: 1-10
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A new sexannulate species of Orobdella (Hirudinida, Arhynchobdellida, Orobdellidae) from Yakushima Island, Japan
  Nakano, Takafumi (2012-04-06)
  ZooKeys, 181: 79-93
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A New Hydromedusa of the Genus Malagazzia (Leptomedusae; Malagazzidae) from Japan
  Akiyama, Hisashi; Horinouchi, Shiori; Kubota, Shin (2013-08-20)
  Biogeography, 15: 95-99
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Wide geographical distribution of Atorella vanhoeffeni (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Coronatae) in Japan
  Kubota, Shin; Hirano, Yayoi; Ikeguchi, Shinichiro; Minemizu, Ryo; Kitamura, Minoru (2012-09-20)
  Biogeography, 14: 83-86
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Highly complex mitochondrial DNA genealogy in an endemic Japanese subterranean breeding brown frog Rana tagoi (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae).
  Eto, Koshiro; Matsui, Masafumi; Sugahara, Takahiro; Tanaka-Ueno, Tomoko (2012-10)
  Zoological science, 29(10): 662-671
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わが国で確認されたキヨヒメクラゲ(有触手綱, カブトクラゲ目, キヨヒメクラゲ科)の飼育と観察および最大個体について
  秋山, 仁; 堀之内, 詩織; 山﨑, 悠介; 辻田, 明子; 久保田, 信 (2010-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 65: 129-134
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日本産ベニクラゲモドキ(ヒドロ虫綱, 花クラゲ目)の生物学的記録
  久保田, 信 (2007-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 62: 67-71
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山形県産ベニクラゲ(ヒドロ虫綱, 花クラゲ目)の85年ぶりの発見と型の決定
  久保田, 信; 渡辺, 葉平; 奥泉, 和也 (2007-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 62: 73-75
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