



検索結果表示: 11-20 / 20.
Direct observation of lattice symmetry breaking at the hidden-order transition in URu_2Si_2.
  Tonegawa, S; Kasahara, S; Fukuda, T; Sugimoto, K; Yasuda, N; Tsuruhara, Y; Watanabe, D; Mizukami, Y; Haga, Y; Matsuda, T D; Yamamoto, E; Onuki, Y; Ikeda, H; Matsuda, Y; Shibauchi, T (2014-06-19)
  Nature communications, 5
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Accelerated discovery of cathode materials with prolonged cycle life for lithium-ion battery.
  Nishijima, Motoaki; Ootani, Takuya; Kamimura, Yuichi; Sueki, Toshitsugu; Esaki, Shogo; Murai, Shunsuke; Fujita, Koji; Tanaka, Katsuhisa; Ohira, Koji; Koyama, Yukinori; Tanaka, Isao (2014-08-01)
  Nature communications, 5
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Modeling of hydrogen/deuterium dynamics and heat generation on palladium nanoparticles for hydrogen storage and solid-state nuclear fusion
  Tanabe, Katsuaki (2016-01-07)
  Heliyon, 2(1)
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Extraordinary carrier multiplication gated by a picosecond electric field pulse.
  Hirori, H; Shinokita, K; Shirai, M; Tani, S; Kadoya, Y; Tanaka, K (2011-12)
  Nature communications, 2
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Bubbling behavior of a fluidized bed of fine particles caused by vibration-induced air inflow.
  Matsusaka, Shuji; Kobayakawa, Murino; Mizutani, Megumi; Imran, Mohd; Yasuda, Masatoshi (2013-02)
  Scientific reports, 3
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Crustal dynamics: unified understanding of geodynamic processes at different time and length scales
  Iio, Yoshihisa; Sibson, Richard H.; Takeshita, Toru; Sagiya, Takeshi; Shibazaki, Bunichiro; Nakajima, T. Junichi (2018-06-20)
  Earth, Planets and Space, 70
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Simultaneous Strength-Ductility Enhancement of a Nano-Lamellar AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Eutectic High Entropy Alloy by Cryo-Rolling and Annealing
  Bhattacharjee, T.; Wani, I. S.; Sheikh, S.; Clark, I. T.; Okawa, T.; Guo, S.; Bhattacharjee, P. P.; Tsuji, N. (2018-02-19)
  Scientific Reports, 8
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Diffusion driven layer-by-layer assembly of graphene oxide nanosheets into porous three-dimensional macrostructures.
  Zou, Jianli; Kim, Franklin (2014-10-16)
  Nature communications, 5
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Molecular interactions on single-walled carbon nanotubes revealed by high-resolution transmission microscopy.
  Umeyama, Tomokazu; Baek, Jinseok; Sato, Yuta; Suenaga, Kazu; Abou-Chahine, Fawzi; Tkachenko, Nikolai V; Lemmetyinen, Helge; Imahori, Hiroshi (2015-07-15)
  Nature communications, 6
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Mixing of immiscible polymers using nanoporous coordination templates
  Uemura, Takashi; Kaseda, Tetsuya; Sasaki, Yotaro; Inukai, Munehiro; Toriyama, Takaaki; Takahara, Atsushi; Jinnai, Hiroshi; Kitagawa, Susumu (2015-07-01)
  Nature Communications, 6
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