



検索結果表示: 31-40 / 65.
Highly complex mitochondrial DNA genealogy in an endemic Japanese subterranean breeding brown frog Rana tagoi (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae).
  Eto, Koshiro; Matsui, Masafumi; Sugahara, Takahiro; Tanaka-Ueno, Tomoko (2012-10)
  Zoological science, 29(10): 662-671
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わが国で確認されたキヨヒメクラゲ(有触手綱, カブトクラゲ目, キヨヒメクラゲ科)の飼育と観察および最大個体について
  秋山, 仁; 堀之内, 詩織; 山﨑, 悠介; 辻田, 明子; 久保田, 信 (2010-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 65: 129-134
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First occurrence of the hydromedusa Paralovenia bitentaculata (Hydrozoa: Leptomedusae) in Japan
  Kubota, Shin; Hyakutake, Kanako; Akiyama, Hisashi (2010-08-20)
  Biogeography, 12: 143-144
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Analysis of Japan's post-Fukushima energy strategy
  McLellan, Benjamin C.; Zhang, Qi; Utama, N. Agya; Farzaneh, Hooman; Ishihara, Keiichi N. (2013-09)
  Energy Strategy Reviews, 2(2): 190-198
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Latin American immigrants have limited access to health insurance in Japan: a cross sectional study.
  Suguimoto, S Pilar; Ono-Kihara, Masako; Feldman, Mitchell D; Kihara, Masahiro (2012-03-25)
  BMC public health, 12
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Evaluating the ontogenetic external morphology of an ectoparasitic Torix tukubana (Hirudinida: Glossiphoniidae), with records of its new host amphibian species
  Kambayashi, Chiaki; Kurabayashi, Atsushi; Nakano, Takafumi (2019-02)
  Parasitology Research, 118(2): 663-666
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Temporal Changes in Individualism and Their Ramification in Japan: Rising Individualism and Conflicts with Persisting Collectivism
  Ogihara, Yuji (2017-05-23)
  Frontiers in Psychology, 8
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Industry speed bumps on local tobacco control in Japan? The case of Hyogo
  Yamada, Keiko; Mori, Nagisa; Kashiwabara, Mina; Yasuda, Sakiko; Horie, Rumi; Yamato, Hiroshi; Garçon, Loic; Armada, Francisco (2015)
  Journal of Epidemiology, 25(7): 496-504
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Evaluation of the Small Business Innovation Research Program in Japan
  INOUE, Hiroyasu; YAMAGUCHI, Eiichi (2017-02-01)
  SAGE Open, 7: 1-9
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A Short History of Table-Talk and Live-Action Role-Playing in Japan: Replays and the Horror Genre as Drivers of Popularity
  Kamm, Björn-Ole (2019-10)
  Simulation & Gaming, 50(5): 621-644
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