



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 14.
<Invited Articles>Learning Compassion: Everyday Ethics among Japanese Carers
  Danely, Jason (2016-01-15)
  いのちの未来, 1: 170-192
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<Articles>Savings Groups and Rural Financial Markets: Japanese and Thai Experiences
  OHNO, Akihiko (2015-03)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 3(4): 15-38
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保護, 展示そして再建 --台湾に残る日本統治期の宗教遺産--
  林, 承緯 (2015-12-30)
  人文學報, 108: 21-34
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Occurrence of the European ascidian Ascidiella scabra (Müller, 1776) in the 19 century in Nagasaki, Japan, probably as an ephemeral alien species
  NISHIKAWA, Teruaki; OTANI, Michio (2004-07-21)
  Contributions from the Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University, 29(4): 401-408
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A New Species of the Genus Sminthurinus (Collembola) from Japan (Special Papers in Honor of late Professor Ryozo Yoshii)
  ITOH, Ryosaku (2000-03-31)
  Contributions from the Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University, 29(2): 89-93
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An Evolutionary Glimpse of the inland-water species of the Genus Gnorimosphaeroma (Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) in Japan
  NUNOMURA, Noboru (2004-07-21)
  Contributions from the Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University, 29(4): 361-370
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Description and distribution of Crangonyx floridanus (Crustacea : Amphipoda : Crangonyctidae) in Japan, an introduced freshwater amphipod from North America
  MORINO, Hiroshi; KUSANO, Harumi; HOLSINGER, John R (2004-07-21)
  Contributions from the Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University, 29(4): 371-381
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Creating Farming Practices for Social Innovation: The Case of Kohnotori-hagukumu Nouhou (Farming formula nurturing oriental storks)
  UENISHI, Yoshihiro; SAKAMOTO, Kiyohiko (2017-03-15)
  The Natural Resource Economics Review, special: 15-24
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A new Species of Labiosthenolepis (Sigalionidae: Polychaeta)
  Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory. Special Publication Series, 8: 103-114
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1990年代の日本における前立腺肥大症治療の動向 ―厚生省統計資料に基づいた分析―
  寺井, 章人; 筧, 善行; 寺地, 敏郎; 小川, 修 (2000-08)
  泌尿器科紀要, 46(8): 537-544
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