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Results 1-10 of 3279 (Search time: 0.034 seconds).
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Infrared Spectra of Sugars and Glucosides
  Kariyone, Tatsuo; Takahashi, Mitsuo (1954-09)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 32(5): 219-219
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  山本, 利道 (1929-11-30)
  化學研究所學術報告, 1
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Cobalt-catalyzed Conversion of Aliphatic Olefins to Alcohols by O2 and BH4-
  Okamoto, Tadashi; Oka, Shinzaburo (1986-09-25)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 64(3): 104-106
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  吉岡, 政七; 大谷, 進; 下井, 一之 (1944-03-20)
  化学研究所講演集, 13: 25-28
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Association of Cations with Anionic Polyelectrolytes in Dilate Solution
  Inagaki, Hiroshi; Sakurai, Hisaya; Oda, Tomikazu (1955-11-30)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 33(6): 257-264
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Amperometric Titration. (VI) : The Use of Metal Oxide Electrode of High Positive Potential and its Application to the Determination of Chromate and Vanadate with Ferrous Iron
  Ishibashi, Masayoshi; Fujinaga, Taitiro; Sinozuka, Huziko (1955-11-30)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 33(6): 229-232
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A Simplified Preparation of N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine
  Inouye, Yoshiyuki; Onodera, Konoshin; Kitaoka, Shozaburo; Kirii, Tokuji (1955-11-30)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 33(6): 270-271
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Studies on Synthetic Pyrethroids. (VI) : Synthesis of Chrysanthemum-dicarboxylic Acid. (Supplement). Mechanism of Addition of Ethyl Diazoacetate to Ethyl αδ-Dimethylsorbate
  Inouye, Yuzo; Ohno, Minoru (1955-11-30)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 33(6): 237-240
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Studies on the Biological Assay of Insecticides. (XXXVII) : On the Differential Susceptibility of the Sexes of the Common House Fly, Musca domestica vicina Macquardt, to the Knockdown Effect of p,p'-DDT Powder
  Nagasawa, Sumio (1955-11-30)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 33(6): 241-256
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On the Unitary Representation of the Schrodinger Group Concerned with the Continuous Energy Spectrum
  Narumi, Hajime; Matsuo, Sigeru (1955-11-30)
  Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 33(6): 265-269
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