



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 130.
Genetic evidence for single-strand lesions initiating Nbs1-dependent homologous recombination in diversification of Ig V in chicken B lymphocytes
  Nakahara, Makoto (2009-03-23)
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The effect of proteasome inhibitor MG132 on experimental inflammatory bowel disease
  Inoue, Satoko (2009-03-23)
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MDM2 is a novel E3 ligase for HIV-1 Vif
  Izumi, Taisuke (2009-03-23)
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Ocular following responses of monkeys to the competing motions of two sinusoidal gratings
  Matsuura, Kiyoto (2009-03-23)
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Chondroitinase ABC treatment enhances synaptogenesis between transplant and host neurons in model of retinal degeneration
  Suzuki, Takuya (2009-05-25)
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Myelin-reactive type B T cells and T cells specific for low-affinity MHC-binding myelin peptides escape tolerance in HLA-DR transgenic mice
  Kawamura, Kazuyuki (2009-03-23)
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Relevant factors to psychological status of donors before living-related liver transplantation
  Hayashi, Akiko (2009-03-23)
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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor activates hypoxia-inducible factor in a p53-dependent manner
  Oda, Seiko (2009-05-25)
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Effect of the XIAP inhibitor Embelin on TRAIL-induced apoptosis of pancreatic cancer cells
  Mori, Tomohiko (2009-03-23)
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Expression of the adrenomedullin gene in adipose tissue
  Nambu, Takuo (2009-05-25)
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