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タイトル: 泌尿器系疾患における尿中,血漿中および組織中Epidermal growth factor量の検討
その他のタイトル: Clinical study of the epidermal growth factor contents in urine, plasma and tissue from the patients with urological diseases
著者: 宮崎, 伸一郎  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Miyazaki, Shinichiro
キーワード: Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Urological disease
発行日: Aug-1992
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 38
号: 8
開始ページ: 919
終了ページ: 924
抄録: 泌尿器系疾患における尿中, 組織中および血漿中のEGF濃度をEIA法で測定した.1)健常者の尿中EGF濃度は, 男女に有意差なく, 年齢とともに低下傾向を見た(P<0.05).2)疾患別の尿中EGF濃度は, 前立腺癌, 腎癌, 膀胱癌では有意差なく, 腎不全(HDを含む)で低下をみた(P<0.01).3)腫瘍部を含む組織中EGF濃度は, 前立腺組織(肥大症, 癌)にて高値をみた.4)健常者の血漿中EGF濃度は, 男女に有意差なく, 年齢にても差をみなかった.5)疾患別の血漿中EGF濃度は, 腎不全(HD)・腎癌(P<0.01), 前立腺癌(P<0.05)で低下をみた.6)腎癌の血漿中EGF値はすべて低値で, 腫瘍摘除前後で比較してみると, 残腎機能のよい症例では, 術後, EGFレベルが回復した
Contents of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in urine, plasma and tissues in urological diseases were estimated by enzyme immunoassay using beads bound to the anti-EGF antibody, and the clinical significance of the presence of EGF in the disease state was examined. There was no difference in EGF level between healthy male and female subjects (n = 22), and the level showed a tendency to decrease with age (p less than 0.05). The subjects were 19 cases of prostatic cancer, 7 of renal cancer, and 12 of urinary bladder cancer. The difference in EGF level between the healthy subjects and patients was not significant, and the levels were shown to be lower in 8 cases of renal insufficiency (including patients on hemodialysis:HD)(p less than 0.01). Plasma EGF levels in the 30 healthy subjects revealed no significant differences related to sex or age. Plasma EGF levels were lower in 42 cases of renal insufficiency (before and after HD), and in 7 cases of renal cancer (p less than 0.01); they ware significantly lower in 15 cases of prostatic cancer (p less than 0.05). In tissues including tumor sites, EGF levels were higher particularly in the prostatic gland tissue (hypertrophy and cancer regions). Thus, urinary and plasma EGF levels in urological diseases may be useful parameters of renal function, but its relationship with malignant diseases is still unknown. The EGF level should be explored in relation with the EGF receptor.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117628
PubMed ID: 1414740
出現コレクション:Vol.38 No.8


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