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タイトル: Morphotype distribution of the sea anemone Diadumene lineata in Tanabe Bay, Wakayama: a comparison with Uchida (1936) after 80 years
著者: Ryan, Will H.
Kubota, Shin
著者名の別形: 久保田, 信
キーワード: Sea anemone
historical comparison
Tanabe Bay
asexual reproduction
発行日: 4-Mar-2016
出版者: Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University
誌名: Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory
巻: 44
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 6
抄録: The intertidal sea anemone Diadumene lineata is a common inhabitant of East Asian shores, including most of Japan. It has long been interesting to researchers because populations show high levels of morphotypic diversity and a variety of reproductive strategies, including both asexual and sexual modes. We compared the current distribution of color morphs around Tanabe Bay, Wakayama, Japan with a historical survey of the region from 1936 and found that the population is still dominated by the same morphotype although all four morphotypes are present in the region. Additionally we found that distribution of body size and morphotype differed among sites within the region and that these populations are marked by a high level of reproductive diversity.
記述: Issued online on Mar. 4, 2016; paper version on Aug. 30, 2018
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/209001
DOI(出版社版): 10.5134/209001


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