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タイトル: 植民地期台湾における青年学校教員の待遇と配置
その他のタイトル: Treatment and Placement of Youth School Teachers in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule
著者: 張, 伶華  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: CHANG, Linghua
キーワード: 台湾
Youth school
Military Drill
発行日: 24-Mar-2023
出版者: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科
誌名: 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要
巻: 69
開始ページ: 165
終了ページ: 178
抄録: 本稿では、植民地統治下台湾の青年学校における教員待遇と配置の特徴を検討した。1939年に公布された台湾青年学校規則では専任指導員を置くべしと定めていたが、専任は指導員全体の1割強に過ぎず、不在の学校もあった。台湾の青年学校では教員の身分と待遇が不安定であり、資格や待遇について明確に規定されたのは1943年になってのことだった。さらに日本内地の青年学校は青年訓練所だけでなく実業補習学校も前身として組み込んでいたのに対して、台湾では実業補習学校を組み込まなかったために、専任教員の大半は体操及教練科の担当であり、農業科・家庭科・商業科・工業科となるにつれて手薄になっていく傾向がみられた。月40円以上の手当を受ける専任教員のべ90名を抽出したところ、在台内地人女性は2名、台湾人男性は11名に止まり、残りはすべて在台内地人男性であった。軍事教練中心の「安上がり」の学校という性格がこうした教員の待遇と配置にもあらわれている。
This paper examines the characteristics of teacher's treatment and placement in youth schools in Taiwan during Japanese colonial period. The Taiwan Youth School Regulations promulgated in 1939 stipulated that full-time instructors should be appointed, but only a little more than 10% of all instructors were full-time instructors, and some schools were absent. The status and treatment of teachers in Taiwanese youth schools was unstable, and it was not until 1943 that qualifications and treatment were clearly defined. In addition, while Japan's youth schools incorporated not only youth training institutes but also business supplementary schools as their predecessors, in Taiwan they did not incorporate business supplementary schools, so the majority of full-time teachers were in charge of gymnastics and training, and there was a tendency to become less effective as agriculture, home economics, commerce, and engineering became more and more numerous. When a total of 90 full-time faculty members received a monthly allowance of 40 yen or more were extracted, only 2 were Japanese women and 11 Taiwanese men, and the rest were all Japanese men. The character of a “cheap” school centered on military training is also reflected in the treatment and placement of these teachers.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/281959


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