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タイトル: Monitoring of Bip promoter activation during cancer cell growth by bioluminescence imaging technique at single cell level
著者: Horibe, Tomohisa
Torisawa, Aya
Kurihara, Ryohsuke
Akiyoshi, Ryutaro
Hatta-Ohashi, Yoko
Suzuki, Hirobumi
Kawakami, Koji  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7477-4071 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: 川上, 浩司
キーワード: endoplasmic reticulum stress response
single-cell level imaging
cancer cells
LV200 system
発行日: 2015
出版者: Open Access Text
誌名: Integrative Cancer Science and Therapeutics
巻: 2
号: 6
開始ページ: 291
終了ページ: 299
抄録: Cancer cells require the regulation of organelle-specific unfolded protein responses, such as endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, because of their increased metabolic activity during rapid proliferation and cell growth, which are executed through the activation of diverse signaling pathways. In this study, we focused on the dynamic regulation of ER stress in accordance with cancer cellular demand, and we performed real-time monitoring of the activation of the binding immunoglobulin protein (Bip) promoter, which is one of the most responsive genes to ER stress during cancer cell growth, in two and three dimensional (2D and 3D) cell culture using bioluminescence imaging at the single-cell level. Bioluminescence images were obtained from living single cancer cells after transient transfection of the reporter gene, and we observed Bip promoter activation during cell growth. Bip promoter activation was also observed in 2D and 3D culture using stably transfected glioblastoma cancer cells with the reporter gene. The Bip promoter was activated especially in dividing cells during cell growth. We then performed real-time monitoring of Bip promoter activation by bioluminescence imaging in tissue slices obtained from U251/pBipPro-Luc tumors. Luminescence intensity was not constant and was different in individual regions of the tumor slices, and the Bip promoter was activated in several regions during monitoring in vitro. These results show that real-time monitoring by bioluminescence imaging at the single-cell level is a suitable tool for not only gene analysis of signal transduction and regulation of the dynamics of the unfolded protein response in cancer cells but also for the evaluation of the efficacy of anti-cancer agents, and could provide additional information that has been difficult to obtain using conventional assays.
著作権等: ©2015Horibe T. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/216364
DOI(出版社版): 10.15761/ICST.1000157


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