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Simple and efficient method for generation of induced pluripotent stem cells using piggyBac transposition of doxycycline-inducible factors and an EOS reporter system.
  Tsukiyama, Tomoyuki; Asano, Ryota; Kawaguchi, Takamasa; Kim, Narae; Yamada, Masayasu; Minami, Naojiro; Ohinata, Yasuhide; Imai, Hiroshi (2011-06-09)
  Genes to Cells, 16(7): 815-825
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Generation of Naïve Bovine Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using PiggyBac Transposition of Doxycycline-Inducible Transcription Factors.
  Kawaguchi, Takamasa; Tsukiyama, Tomoyuki; Kimura, Koji; Matsuyama, Shuichi; Minami, Naojiro; Yamada, Masayasu; Imai, Hiroshi (2015-08-19)
  PLOS ONE, 10(8)
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Derivation of Induced Trophoblast Cell Lines in Cattle by Doxycycline-Inducible piggyBac Vectors
  Kawaguchi, Takamasa; Cho, Dooseon; Hayashi, Masafumi; Tsukiyama, Tomoyuki; Kimura, Koji; Matsuyama, Shuichi; Minami, Naojiro; Yamada, Masayasu; Imai, Hiroshi (2016-12-01)
  PLOS ONE, 11(12)
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Generation of germ cells from pluripotent stem cells in mammals
  Hayashi, Masafumi; Kawaguchi, Takamasa; Durcova-Hills, Gabriela; Imai, Hiroshi (2018-04)
  Reproductive Medicine and Biology, 17(2): 107-114
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