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. 表紙・目次・奥付・裏表紙. 京都大學文學部研究紀要. 63. 2024
吉本, 道雅. 太史公自序疏證. 京都大學文學部研究紀要. 63. 2024. 1-203
大竹, 昌巳. 明洪武刊『遼史』版本考. 京都大學文學部研究紀要. 63. 2024. 205-266
岡久, 太郎 ... [et al]. コツを引き出す対話設定におけるオンライン料理インタビュー対話コーパスの構築. 自然言語処理. 30. 2023. 773-799. インタビューは技能者からコツを引
Oto, Yumeki ... [et al]. A key evolutionary step determining osmoregulatory ability for freshwater colonisation in early life stages of fish
Urabe, Keiichiro ... [et al]. Investigation of small-fraction molecular impurities in high-pressure helium plasmas using optical plasma diagnostic methods
Kaizuka, Takeshi ... [et al]. FAM81A is a postsynaptic protein that regulates the condensation of postsynaptic proteins via liquid–liquid phase separation
Saneyoshi, Takeo. Changing the size of dendritic spines. eLife. 12. 2023. Interactions between an enzyme
Matsushima, Toma ... [et al]. Functional connectivity-based classification of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
Ueda, Sakiho ... [et al]. Acute inhibition of AMPA receptors by perampanel reduces amyloid β-protein levels by suppressing β-cleavage of APP in Alzheimer's disease models
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