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Kato, Masahisa ... [et al]. Inhomogeneous Electrostatic Potentials on the Dayside Lunar Surface in the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobes: The Role of Lunar Crustal Magnetic Fields
Yoshinaga, Kenji ... [et al]. Age-disproportionate atrophy in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease spectra
Mishima, Yuta ... [et al]. Development of chimeric antigen receptor T cells targeting cancer-expressing podocalyxin
Kakizaki, Masatoshi ... [et al]. The respective roles of TMPRSS2 and cathepsins for SARS-CoV-2 infection in human respiratory organoids
Ikeda, Shinya ... [et al]. Association Between White Blood Cell Counts at Diagnosis and Clinical Outcomes in Venous Thromboembolism --From the COMMAND VTE Registry-2--
OKI, Chika ... [et al]. High-fat/high-sucrose diet-induced renal changes in obese diabetic mice: a comparison with 𝘥𝘣/𝘥𝘣 and KK-Ay mice
Oshima, Seigi ... [et al]. A Case of Spontaneous Regression of Adult Multi-system Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Presenting as Liver Tumor Rupture
野中, 進. <書評>Shin'ichi Murata and Stefano Aloe, eds., The Reception of East Slavic Literatures in the West and the East (Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2023, 322pp.)
岩間, 成美. <論文>寺山修司の短歌創作における「定型」について. Slavica Kiotoensia. 4. 2024. 219-245. This paper attempts to analyze
SHIMOMURA, Kyota. <Перевод и аннотация/ Translation and Annotation>Translation of “Narzecze wilamowickie” by Ludwik Młynek(1907): “A kłop ana a Hjerr.” and “Der vyluny Suhn.”