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タイトル: Adaptation to changing climate: promoting community-based approaches in the developing countries
著者: Uitto, Juha I.
Shaw, Rajib
キーワード: climate change
human security
risk and disaster management
community-based approaches
発行日: Jan-2006
出版者: Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
誌名: SANSAI : An Environmental Journal for the Global Community
巻: 1
開始ページ: 93
終了ページ: 107
抄録: Climate change is a reality, altbough its specific impacts in various parts of tbe world are unknown. In addition to tbe long-term effort of curbing greenbouse gas emissions, it is essential to be prepared for shorter-term changes. Adaptation to climate change will be a major challenge to vulnerable communities, especially in coastal areas and regions susceptible to climatic hazards, such as floods and drought. This article describes two innovative international initiatives designed to test and pilot approaches to community-based adaptation in developing countries. Their goal is to generate knowledge about how to achieve adaptation at tbe local level and ultimately to reduce community vulnerability to climate-related hazards. Emphasis is given to participatory approaches to planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation that promote tbe identification of successful strategies and learning from experience. In order to achieve sustainability and tbe replication of effective initiatives, it is essential to incorporate climate risk and disaster management into local development policies.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/108256
出現コレクション:No. 1


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