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タイトル: 蹲位膀胱撮影法Dorsal Cystography (SquatShot)
その他のタイトル: Dorsal Cystography (Squat Shot)
著者: 後藤, 薫  KAKEN_name
仁平, 寛巳  KAKEN_name
酒徳, 治三郎  KAKEN_name
日野, 豪  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Goto, Kaoru
Nihira, Hiromi
Sakatoku, Jisaburo
Hino, Takeshi
発行日: Sep-1955
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 1
号: 3
開始ページ: 196
終了ページ: 203
抄録: Bovce, Harris及びVestによる踵位膀胱撮影法(DorsalCystography)の術式を述べ, 本法を応用して膀胱及び前立腺腫瘍, 神経因性膀胱, 膀胱憩室等に於て, 正常の背位等の方法では発見出来ない, 或は不明瞭な膀胱憩室, 尿管逆流現i象, 膀胱憩室等を描出した.更に経腰的腎孟撮影法を併用して骨盤部尿管狭窄及び結石の部位と膀胱との位置的関係を明示した.
Dorsal cystography is described by William H. Boyce et al and it has proved valuable for demonstrating pathologic changes which would not be visualized by other methods. Satisfactory roentogenologic delineation of the posterior area of the bladder, the region adjacent to the trigonum and the retrovesical portion of the ureters is not all ways obtained by the standard technic of antero-posterior, oblique and lateral views. In 28 selected cases who underwent dorsal cystography and were found to have ureteral reflux, tumor and diverticula of the bladder, the patholgic changes were unmistakably and distinguishably demonstrated by the single squat shot or with routine cystography in all cases, compared with 6 in 28 cases by anteroposterior view. Moreover we demonstrated stricture and calculus in retrovesical portion of ureter by this techni quecombined with "direct pyelography" which had been previously reported by us in 1955 elswhere. Technic: - The bladder is filled with 100-200 cc of 10-20 % sodium iodide in the usual manner. The patient is asked to sit on the roentogenographic table and then he is instructed to grasp his ankles and to lean as far as possible so that he sits over the film. The author thanks Prof. Inada for his invaluable assistances in guiding this work.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/111068
出現コレクション:Vol.1 No.3


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