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タイトル: 膀胱憩室に多発した「レ」線陰性結石
その他のタイトル: On Non-Opaque Calculi Formed in Large Numbers in Diverticulum of the Human Bladde r
著者: 野沢, 忍  KAKEN_name
石戸谷, 忻一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NOSAWA, Shinobu
ISHITOYA, Kin-ichi
発行日: Sep-1956
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 2
号: 5
開始ページ: 280
終了ページ: 286
抄録: The case was a man aged 67. The authors conducted various X-ray examinations of this case, but no calculi were detected. A cystoscopic examination of the same, however, resulted in the discovery of some calculi in his bladder, so by the use of Young's cystoscope, the authors removed the caluculi. During the performance of this operation some calculi were also found in the diverticulum of the bladder, so by the sectio alta, the authors took out 12 calculi from the diverticulum of the bladder and 1 calculus from the bladder. The constitutional element of the calculi removed was ur ate. The authors took on e calculus from the case for experimental purposes and one opaque calculus from another case. The latter calculus was almost of the same size as the former. The authors, placing them in various mediums, carried out Xray experiments on these calculi. When the authors plac e d these calculi between the two pieces of beef, the upper piece being 5 cm, in thickness while the lowes piece, 12 cm, and took their radiographs with the same length of time required for radiographs of human organs, the radiographic shadow of the opaque calculus was distinctly visible, but that of the non-opaque calculus was hardly caught by the naked eye. When under the radiographic condition of 1 m, 40 kv, 50 mA, 0.1 sec, both calculi appeared as opaque shadows, but the non-opaque calculus appeared as a more indistinct shadow than the opaque calculus. Then the authors made a vinyl box containing water strata, each stratum ranging in thinkness from 1 cm to 7 cm, and then made another vinyl box containing 5% NaJ strata, each stratum ranging from 1 cm to 5 cm in thickness. The same process, was taken with 10%, 15%, 25% NaJ and 30% sugiuron with the use of another vinyl box. In this case each liquid stratum ranged from 1 cm to 3 cm. When the authors took the radiographs of these calculi placed in these water strate, both calculi produced opaque shadows, but the shadows of the non-opaque calculus was more indistinct than of the opaque calculus. When the radiographs of these calculi placed in NaJ and sugiuron strata were taken , the opaque calculus produced an opaque shadow, while the non-opaque calculus produced a non-opaque shadow. But when the radiographs of these calculi were taken , making water, NaJ, and media of these calculi, in whichever medium these calculi might be placed, the radiographic shadows of these calculi decreased in distinctness with the addition of each liquid stratum into which these calculi were put. The radiographic shadow of the non-opaque calculus became indistinct in a lower stratum than that of the opaque calculus did. Using the radiographs of these cal c uli, the authors measured the degrees of distinctness of the shadows of these calculi by the microphotometer. The results are as follows ; — Degrees of Distinctness of the Shadows of the Non-Opaque Calculus and the Opaque Calculus Measured by the Microphotometer Examination by X-ray 0.36522 In 1 cm water stratum 0.27906 In 2 cm , 7 rr 0.21652 In 3 cm rr rr 0.14373 In 1 cm NaJ Stratum 0.03862 In 2cm /. rr 0.11734 When placed between two pieces of beef the upper half, 5cm thick the lower half, 12cm thick 0.07725
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/111151
出現コレクション:Vol.2 No.5


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