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タイトル: 男子性腺機能失調症の研究 第1篇:精嚢腺X線像の考察
その他のタイトル: A Study on Male Hypogonadism Report I. Seminal Vesiculogram
著者: 森, 昭  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MORI, Akira
発行日: Sep-1957
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 3
号: 9
開始ページ: 543
終了ページ: 554
抄録: It is evident that the steady progress regarding the study of the male hypogonadism has recently been made owing to the chemical studies of the sexual hormones, systematical investigations of the sperms and the histological researches of the testicular tissues. But this problem is now in its first stage and many questions are left under t h e future researches. For instance, even in regard to the classification of the male hypogonadism, many suggestions have already been proposed by the authorities, but each of them has some defects and any regulated decisions have not been made. I have been, for several years, observing the forms of the seminal vesicles about the male hypogonadism and found out that their morphological variations have had close relations with the sexual disturbances and at the same time, by the effects of the inspections of the testicular tissues, I could have clarified the connections between the two-seminal vesiculogram and testicular tissue. The writer utilized vasop u ncter of the scrotal region with cutting 0.5 cm. of the skin as a means of radiographing the vas deferens and the seminal vesicles by the methods of Dr. Yanagihara. Severalk inds of opaque medias were employed for injection into the seminal vesicles through the vas deferens, for instance, Urographine, Endographine, Diaginol, Moljodol etc. From the literatures and the experiences, there is a marked difference, however, in the forms and the sizes of individual seminal vesicles. It is intended to classify the forms and si z es of the seminal vesicles of our cases as follows. 1) Great main tubes with large lamifying diverticulas. 2) Great main tubes with or without small d iverticulas. 3) Simple main tubes with large lamifying d i verticulas. 4) Simple main tubes with or without small diverticulas. The author has had experienced of 30 cases who complained the sterility and the sexual disturbances, as the Table 8 shows. As the table shows, the writer's classification of type No. 2 is first in number (35.7 %), type No. 4 the second (28.6 %), type No. 3 occurred third (21.4 %), and type No. 1 the forth (14.3 %). From the ab o ve mentioned experiences, the seminal vesicles of the other various diseases of the sexual disturbances were classifyed by our classification as follows. 1. Impotence, Various casualty after puberty (Atomic bombing casualty , X ray etc.). 2. Klinefelter's syndrome, Delayed puberty, Del Castillo's syndrome. 3. Fertile eunuchs. 4. Eunuchoid i sm, Idiopathic eunuchoidism, Dystrophia adiposogenitalis. The comparision with the histological pictures of the tes t icular tissues would be shown and discussed in the next report.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/111510
出現コレクション:Vol.3 No.9


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