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タイトル: 尿路結石症の燐・石灰代謝に関する研究 第III編:腎孟内異物挿入腎の燐代謝に関する研究
その他のタイトル: Studyies on Phosphate and Calcium Metabolism of Urolithiasis 3.Phosphate Metabolism in Which Foreign Body was Inserted into the Pelvis of the Kidney
著者: 八田, 栄造  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HACHIDA, Eizo
発行日: Sep-1959
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 5
号: 9
開始ページ: 953
終了ページ: 960
抄録: Nephrotomy and insertion of foreign body into the pelvis of the unilateral kidney were carried out on 7 matured rabbits. After 27 to 40 days, P2 solution (20 pc per 1000 Gms. of body weight) was injected intravenously then both kidneys were removed 12 hours later. A.S.P., L.P. and N.A.P. were isolated by Schneider method from the cortex and medulla of the kidney in order to calculate radioactivity of P32 in each fraction using Geiger-MUller counter. (1) Among 6 rabbits, only one had the foreign body in its pelvis and one had the organized foreign body in the cortex under the capsule of the kidney coinsiding with the operative wound. The foreign bodies had been excreted in the rest of four. (2) In the cortex of the manupulated kidney of the control rabbit s which had only nephrotomy without insertion of any foreign body, A.S.P. was most abundant, L.P. and N.A.P. decreased in this order, but in the medulla, N.A.P. was most abundant, A.S.P. and L.P. decreased in this order. (3) Cases in which the foreign bodies were inserted into the pelvis of the kidney. (i) The cortex : The distributio n of P32 in each fraction of the healthy kidneys was almost similar to the control, but in the affected side, it was observed that A.S.P. was slightly decreased and L.P. was increased. (ii) The medu lla : In the healthy k idneys, distribution of P32 in the cortex was not significantly different from that in the medulla, but in the affected kidneys, it was found that N.A.P. was most abundant and A.S.P. and L.P. decreased in this order. It would be fit to think that these results, considering the increase in medullary N.A.P., are due to the effect of nephrotOmy rather than the effect of insertion of foreign body. (iii) There was higher P2 distribution in the cortex than that in the medulla in every faction in the healthy kidneys. Though in the affected kidneys meanwhile, A.S.P. and L.P. were found abundantly in the cortex than that medulla, on the contrary, more N.A.P. was found in the medulla. (iv) There was no difference in P32 distribution between A.S.P. and L.P. in comparison with the cortex of the healthy kidneys and that of the affected kidneys, but less quantity of N.A.P. was found in the affected kidney. On the other hand, more quantity of A.S.P. was found in the medulla of the affected kidney than that in the healthy kidney, indicating the increased A.S.P. metabolism in the medulla of the affected kidneys. (4) The most distinct results in the above experiments a r e the absolute increase in N.A.P. in the medulla of the affected kidney and relative increase in A.S.P. in the medulla of the affected kidney in opposition to A.S.P. in the cortex. It is thought that the former is due to the effect of nephrotomy and the latter is due to the effect of the foreign body inserted into the pelvis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/111819
出現コレクション:Vol.5 No.9


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