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タイトル: 精嚢腺の生物学的研究 第III篇:除睾海狽の精嚢腺に及ぼす各種内分泌物質の影響,並びに睾丸,精管の機械的障碍時に於ける精嚢腺の動態について
その他のタイトル: Biological Study on the Seminal Vesicle 3. The Effects of Various Endocrine Substances on the Seminal Vesicle of the Orchidectomized Guinea-pigs and Dynamic C h anges of the Seminal Vesicle in Mechanical Disturbance of t h e Testis and Spermatic Tubules
著者: 水口, 宗男  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MINAGUCHI, Muneo
発行日: Mar-1960
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 6
号: 3
開始ページ: 199
終了ページ: 211
抄録: For many years the standard for authorization of sexual hormone has been basedupon the morphological change of the adjutant sexual organs, especially seminal vesicle, of castrated animals to which the hormone has been administered. However, it is notclearified yet that whether the morphological change and development of the seminalvesicle is only influenced by Androgen produced by the testis or the vesicle is directlyaffected by various hormones produced by not only the testis but the hypophysis or theadjutant sexual organs. Even though the development of the seminal vesicle dependsupon hormones produced by the testis, it is again not clearified that the developmentof the vesicle is due whether to circulatory hormone or to the effect of the hormonethrough the spermatic tubules.Author conducted th e following experiment in order to investigate these problems.A) Administration of male hormones (Enarmone de pot, Durotest), go n adtropine(Prehormone, Primogonil), and adrenocortical hormone (Cortone, Interenine) to youngcastrated guinea-pigs resulted in the followings ;1) Male hormones : Significant anti-atrophic action on the seminal vesicle.2) Gonadtropine : No anti-atrophic action on the seminal vesicle.3) Adrenocortical hormones : Among which only Corton e possessed anti-atrophicaction.B) The effects of mechanical disturbances of the testis and spermatic tubules ondynamics of the seminal vesicles are as follows :1) Unilateral orchidectomy did not affect o n the development of the bilateralseminal vesicles.2) B i lateral orchidectomy produced marked atrophy of the bilateral seminal vesicles.3)Bothunilateralandbilateralremovalsofthespermatictubulesdidnotperceivetheabnormalformsintherightorleftsidesofseminalvesiclesandalso, itcouldllotmakeamarkeddifferencebetweenunremovesideandremovalside.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/111919
出現コレクション:Vol.6 No.3


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