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タイトル: 雄性附属性腺分泌液に関する研究 第2報:Polarograph的にみた性ホルモンの前立腺分泌液に及ぼす影響(附:アルギニンの前立腺に及ぼす影響)
その他のタイトル: A Study on the Discharge from the Accessory Sexual Glands of Male Second Report : A Polarographic Study on the Effects of Sexual Hormone on Prostatic Fluid Suppl. : Effects of Arginin on the Prostate
著者: 道中, 信也  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MICHINAKA, Nobuya
発行日: Mar-1960
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 6
号: 3
開始ページ: 188
終了ページ: 198
抄録: A polarographic study on the prostatic fluid was un d ertaken in order to study the prostatic function by means of the change in polarographic protein wave of the prostatic fluid during the period of sexual hormone administration. 1) Polarographic protein wave of the prosta t ic fluid produced the double peak wave. 2) The wave of the serum was about 2 times as high as that of prostatic fluid. The wave height of the serum lowered in the order of Digest-Native-Filtrate, while that of prostatic fluid was Native-Digest-Filtrate. 3) The amount o f prostatic fluid was inversely proportional to the frequency of stimulation on Fatigue test of the prostate in experimental dogs. And in the filtrate reaction of this decreased amount of the fluid due to repeated stimulation to the prostate, depression of the wave, especially I-wave, was remarkable, which was probably due to the decrease in mucoprotein in the prostatic fluid. 4) It is likely that the substances containi n g SH group and S-S group may be increased in the prostatic fluid during the period of male hormone administration. 5) After administration of male hormone there was a certai n polarographic difference between castrated and non-castrated prostatic fluid. 6) Methylandrostenediol possesses less sign i ficant action than Enarmon on prostatic function. 7) Arginin influences on the prostatic function.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/111920
出現コレクション:Vol.6 No.3


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