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タイトル: 泌尿器科領域におけるポーラログラフ的研究 第2篇: 泌尿生殖器系疾患のポーラログラフ蛋白波の成績について (その2)炉液法による血清蛋白波の成績
その他のタイトル: Polarographic Studies on the Diseases of Urogenital Organs Report 2 : The Experimental Results of the Polarographic-Protein-Wave in the Various Pathological Condition of Urogenital Organs Part 2 : The Experimental Results of Serum-Protein-Wave by Means of the Filtrate Test
著者: 林, 法信  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HAYASHI, Norinobu
発行日: Dec-1960
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 6
号: 12
開始ページ: 1119
終了ページ: 1136
抄録: By means of the filtrate test (the third method and t h e fourth method) the polarographic protein waves on 109 patients with urogenital diseases were examined. From the comparatsitvued oyf thef irstansde conwda ve(sW 1W, 2)t, h em iddvlea lue(sW 2i +W2) W, thev alueosf t hew ave-height- r a1Wte2 W)2an dthev alueosf thec hangreadti o( I.W 1 W2 I .w2), the following results were obtained. (1) The positive results shown in the first waves and the middle values seem to be most useful for diagnosis of carcinoma in the third method. In the mean value of each disease, the great majority of the first waves were higher than the second waves. Moreover, positive percentages were generally higher in the third metho d than in the fourth method : 100% in renal malignant tumor, 80% in prostatic carcinoma, 50% in carcinoma of the bladder, and malignant tumor group showed 77%. From the viewpoint of differential diagnosis for cancer, the third method could be more useful than the fourth method. (2)S incme osot ft hev alueosf wave-height(- rat, eW 2)i nt het hirdm ethowde re W2' distributed within the normal range, it is very difficult to use them for the differential diagnosis of cancer. (3)I nt hev alueosf t hec hangreadt io( W1W2 ), onlyre natlu mesrh owreedm ar- I ' I.W2 kably high values which might have some significances in the differential diagnosis of renal cancer. In other cases about a half of them were out of the normal range, and it was very difficult to say whether they had clinical significances or not in each disease, which might be considered in relation to the chemical change of serum protein. (4) In the fourth method the highest positive readings were given in t he second waves (W2), and lower values were given in the first waves (W1) as well as in the middle values Wi +W2 2 In the mean values of each disease, positive readings were generally fewer in the fourth method than in the third method : 100% in renal malignant tumor, 60% in carcinoma of the bladder, and malignant tumor group showed about 53% in the fourth method, which were lower than the values previously reported by others. (5) Most of the cases were within the normal range and no clinical significance was found in the values of wave-height-rate in the fourth method. (6) Renal tumor and pyonephrosis showed remarkably high values of the changed ratio W1 W2 W2 in the fourth method, which could have clinical significances for the differential diagnosis of cancer. In other cases, however, more than a half of them were out of the normal range, and the clinical significance in each disease has been obscure so far, which should be revealed by more studies in the future.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112062
出現コレクション:Vol.6 No.12


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