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タイトル: 尿異染反応に及ぼす物理化学的影響の研究
その他のタイトル: Studies of the Physio-chemical Effects on the Metachromatic Reaction of Urine
著者: 中吉, 健一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NAKAYOSHI, Kenichi
発行日: Jan-1961
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 7
号: 1
開始ページ: 73
終了ページ: 89
抄録: In 1953 the metachromatic reaction of urine (abbrevi a ted to MR) was discovered and designated by Nagata and Yamamoto. Since then studies on the MR have been carried out by their coworkers and the number of their reports has already totalled to dozens. This paper deals with the results of studies which have recently been made on the physiochemical effects on the MR. As material, the uri n e specimens of healthy persons and patients with urogenital disease were used. The urine specimens were subjected to the MR test. The MR test was performed on the same urine specimens after such physio-chemical procedures as heating, cooling, infrared ray irradiation, ultra-violet ray irradiation, x-ray irradiation, centrifugation, desiccation by refrigeration, treatment with absorbents and ion exchange resins and dialysis. The results of the MR test were compared with those obtained before the procedures were performed. The results were interpreted macroscopically after the manner of Nagata and Yamamoto. A part of the results was interpreted colorimetrically according to the method of Yamamoto et al. Results : 1) The effects of intrared ray irradiation. While intrared ray irradiatio n for 60-120 minutes produced no special change in the results of the MR test on the urine specimens which developed the negative MR, the urine specimens which showed positive or doubtful positive results to the MR test were negative in 4 out of the .5 cases and doubtful positive in 1. 2) The effects of ultraviolet ray irradiation. In the case of ultraviolet ray i rradiation there was no change in the results of the MR test on the urine of all the cases, regardless of the time of irradiation. 3) The effects of x-ray irradiation When the urine speci m ens were irradiated with x-rays, there occurred no change in the results of the MR test on all the cases, irrespective of the time and dosage of irradiation. 4) The effects of temperature. The urine speci m ens which showed positive and doubtful positive results to the MR test rendered the MR negative when they were heated to 100°C for 60 minutes. There was no change in the results of the MR test on the other urine specimens that were negative. On heating at 90°C for 60 minutes, the MR-positive urine specimens of 3 cases were negative in all the 3 cases; the MR-doubtful positive urine specimens of 2 cases were negative in 1 of the 2 cases; the MR-negative urine specimens of 2 cases were negative in 1 out of the 2 cases. At a low temperature of 0° to .40°C, there was no change in the results of the MR test, irrespective of the number of cooling days. 5) The effects of centrifugation and desiccation by refrigeration Centrifugation at 3000-5000 rpm caused no change in the results of the MR test on the urine specimens of all the cases. There was no change in the results of the MR test on the urine specimens which were allowed to stand at room temperature for 6 months after they were frozen to dryness. 6) The effects of absorbents . The MR-positive urine spe c imens were absorbed in to silica and activated charcoal and showed negative results to the MR test. However, there was no change in the MR test on the negative urine specimens. 7) The effects of ion exchange resins. IRA-400 and IRC-50 rendered the MR of the MR-positive urine specimens doubtful positive, while the negative urine specimens were caused by IR-120 and IRA-400 to show positive results to the MR test. 8) The effects of dialysis. Positive results were obtained by dialysis in the greater part of 312 healthy persons and patients. Though dialysis brought about a marked decrease in or a disappearance of electrolytes, changes in the electrolytes did not influence the results of the MR test. Colorimetery of the results of the MR test after dialysis revealed a movement toward the left lower part from the original point of the CIE chromaticity diagram. This was due to a decrease in purity and an increase in luminocity. The MR-positive urine specimens also showed the same tendency, which was particularly remarkable in the MRnegative urine specimens. In such a case the results of the MR test cannot be interpreted macroscopically and therefore a colorimetric method seems to be the only one used for that interpretation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112074
出現コレクション:Vol.7 No.1


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